March 1, 2019
European Union is a major export destination for India and to continue exports to EU it is important to be aware about various parameters causing rejection of our products at EU borders.
The EU has created Rapid Alert Systems for Food and Feed (RASFF) and for Non-Food Consumer Products (RAPEX) to ensure the flow of information between its members (EU Member State national food safety authorities, Commission, EFSA, ESA, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Switzerland) to enable swift reaction when risks to public health and safety of consumersare detected in the food chain or non-food consumer products and provides a round-the-clock service to ensure that urgent notifications are sent, received and responded to collectively and efficiently.
In order to keep the Indian exporters informed of the rejections faced by Indian products in the EU and to take preventive actions FIEO will be forwarding the RASFF and RAPEX alerts on a weekly basis.
To begin with we are forwarding the alerts from EU generated during January 1 – February 28, 2019:
- Alert: Indian Hair dye containing Barium peroxide destructed by Germany
Hair dye exported from India contains barium (measured value: 13.6 % by weight) as peroxide. Barium peroxide is corrosive and irritant. Barium can be absorbed from the dye and have toxic effects on kidney and heart. The product contains too much p-aminophenol (measured value: 13.6% by weight, final calculated concentration: 3.8%) and insufficient coupling agent.Uncoupled p-aminophenol is a strong skin sensitiser and may trigger allergic skin reactions. The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products Regulation.
Issued in: 5th week of 2019
- Alert: 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) offered online for sale
- Notification from: United Kingdom
- Risk: Serious
- Notification type: Food: information for attention: Monitoring of Media
- Date: 28-02-2019
- Alert: Aflatoxins (B1 = 9.8 µg/kg - ppb) in chilli powder from India
- Notification from: Belgium
- Risk: Serious
- Notification type: Food - border rejection: border control: consignment under Customs
- Date: 27-02-2019
- Alert: Aflatoxins (B1 = 20.8; Tot. = 20.8 µg/kg - ppb) in crushed chilli from India
- Notification from: Bulgaria
- Risk: Serious
- Notification type: Food - border rejection: border control: consignment detained
- Date: 26-02-2019
- Alert: cadmium (1.9; 1.7 mg/kg - ppm) in frozen whole cuttlefish from India
- Notification from : Cyprus
- Risk: Serious
- Notification type: Food: information for attention: Official control on market
- Date: 26-02-2019
- Alert : Unauthorised substances methamidophos (0.59 mg/kg - ppm), acephate (0.39 mg/kg - ppm) and tricyclazole (0.04 mg/kg - ppm) in chilli peppers from India
- Notification from : United Kingdom
- Risk: Undecided
- Notification type: Food - border rejection: border control: consignment detained
- Date: 19-02-2019
- Alert : Prohibited substance nitrofuran (metabolite) furazolidone (AOZ) (26 µg/kg - ppb) in frozen shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) from India
- Notification from : Poland
- Risk: Serious
- Notification type : Food - border rejection: border control: consignment detained
- Date: 13-02-2019
- Alert : Unauthorised substances monocrotophos (0.18 mg/kg - ppm) and triazophos (0.04 mg/kg - ppm) in amla (Phyllanthus emblica) from India
- Notification from : Switzerland
- Risk: Serious
- Notification type: Food: information for attention: border control: consignment released
- Date: 11-02-2019
- Alert : Unauthorised substances acephate (0.042 mg/kg - ppm) and tricyclazole (0.105 mg/kg - ppm) in basmati rice from India
- Notification from : Spain
- Risk: Undecided
- Notification type: Food: border rejection: border control: consignment detained
- Date: 08-02-2019
- Alert: Chlorothalonil (0.04 mg/kg - ppm) and unauthorised substance dichlorvos (0.13 mg/kg - ppm) in chilli peppers from India
- Notification from: UK
- Risk: Serious
- Notification type: food - border rejection: border control: consignment detained
- Date: 08-02-2019,
- Alert : Unauthorised novel food betel nuts from India, via the Netherlands
- Notification from: Denmark
- Risk: Undecided
- Notification type: food – information for follow up: official control on the market
- Date: 08-02-2019,
- Alert: Thiamethoxam (0.043 mg/kg - ppm) and unauthorised substance tricyclazole (0.11 mg/kg - ppm) in basmati rice from India
- Notification from: Norway
- Notification type: Food - information for attention – official control on the market
- Risk: Undecided
- Date: 06-02-2019