January 10, 2019
- The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) published following:
- Notification No. 49/2015-2020 dated 7 January, 2019 (Click Here) - Export policy of Fertilizers has been revised and items under 'Restricted' category moved to 'Free' category subject to prior permission / No Objection Certificate (NOC) to be obtained by the manufacturers /exporters from the Department Of Fertilizers, and compliance of other laid down conditions.
- Public Notice No. 66/2015-2020 dated 3 January, 2019 (Click Here) - ANF-4F and ANF-5B will indicate the number of EDI/NON-EDI Shipping Bills used by the applicant for redemption.
- Public Notice No. 67/2015-2020 dated 7 January, 2019 (Click Here) - Procedure to obtain permission / NOC of the Department of Fertilizers for export of fertilizers specified under Chapter 31 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import Items 2018 has been prescribed.
- Public Notice No. 68/2015-2020 dated 9 January, 2019 (Click Here) - The list of MEIS entries in the Appendix 3B, Table 2, for which the RAs are required to process MEIS application in the manual mode, as explained in the Trade Notice 30 dated 11.09.2018 has been re-notified.
- Trade Notice No. 41/2018-19 dated 4 January, 2019 (Click Here) regarding rationalization of procedures in handling EODC requests under Advance/EPCG Authorizations.
- Policy Circular No. 15/2015-20 dated 4 January, 2019 (Click Here) related to clarification in respect of “not permitting” the import of capital goods required for “distribution of electrical energy (power)” under the EPCG Scheme.
- Policy Circular No. 16/2015-20 dated 9 January, 2019 (Click Here) - Guidelines to RAs for following Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for EODC monitoring of both Advance as well as EPCG authorizations using software on website (http://eodc.online).
- CBIC - published following:
- The Registration Department of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) published Circular Ref: Registration/G-14:1 dated 8 January, 2019 (Click Here). According to this circular the hard copies of letters being issued for Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS) activities be discontinued. Instead, a system generated letter with QR code will be issued for these services by BIS. The QR Code has been incorporated in letter for Grant of licence, inclusion and renewal. Since the letters will be system generated and its content will be based on the data entered on portal by the manufacturers/applicants, hence, the manufacturers/applicants are advised to take precautions and double check the data before submitting any request on the portal.
- The Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) published following dated 3 January, 2019:
- The Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, India published The Insecticides (Second Amendment) Rules, 2018 dated 4 January, 2019 (Click Here) pertaining to fees for testing or analysing the samples of insecticides or biopesticide.
- Pakistan Ministry of Commerce and Textile published following to amend Import Policy Order, 2016:
- S.R.O 16 (1)/2019 dated 3 January, 2019 (Click Here) pertains to machinery falling under Pakistan Customs Tariff (PCT) codes specified in column (3) shall not be importable in secondhand or used condition. The ban shall however not apply on all kind of computer related equipment in second hand or used condition falling under their respective PCT headings notwithstanding of their inclusion in column (3).
- S.R.O 14 (1)/2019 dated 2 January, 2019 (Click Here) pertains to export of Ethanol and other products manufactured from cane molasses.
- The Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) published following:
- Vietnam Ministry of Information and Communications published Circular 19/2018 / TT-BTTTT dated 28 December, 2018 (Click Here) promulgating the national technical regulation on terrestrial mobile radio equipment with instant antenna for analog phones, application. The Circular takes effect from 1 July, 2019.
- Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development published Circular No. 43/2018 / TT-BNNPTNT dated 28 December, 2018 (Click Here) pertaining to a number of contents on export and import of plant varieties, animal breeds and plant gene sources; importing plant protection drugs and importing objects in the list of plant quarantine objects subject to pest risk analysis before importing into Vietnam.
- Thailand Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives published Agricultural product standards KU 9000, Volume 2-2561 dated 9 January, 2019 (Click Here). This agricultural product standard defines production methods, processing and labeling of products and products of Organic livestock for consumption.
- Thailand Ministry of Industry published Announcement No. 5091 (2018) dated 9 January, 2019 (Click Here) in accordance with the Industrial Product Standards Act 1968 regarding the determination of industrial product standards Power backup batteries for portable use.
- Ministry of Health, Malaysia published Poisons (Amendment of Poisons list) Order, 2019 dated 9 January, 2019 (Click Here).
- MERCOSUR published MERCOSUR/GMC/Res. No 28 (Click Here) excluding certain aluminum containing additives from various food categories. A grace period is included lasting until 1 October, 2019. Member states must incorporate the resolution by March 5, 2019.
- South Korea - Korean Food and Drug Administration published following dated 9 January, 2019:
- EU - European commissions published following dated 3 January 2019:
- Denmark - Ministry of Business published following:
- Government of Russia published Order No. 2963 dated 28 December, 2018 (Click Here) approving the concept of creating and operating a product labeling system in Russia with means of identification and traceability of goods movement.
- The US Department of Agriculture's Market Service Bureau recently issued the 2018-27792 rule and issued the “National List of Permitted and Prohibited Substances” (Click Here) in the newly revised Organic Regulations. The Limitation of the use of 17 substances produced or processed organically, 16 new substances such as magnesium oxide that are allowed to be used for organic production or processing, and the plant-derived insecticide rotenone as a banned substance in the production of organic crops, Ivan The bacteriocin is used as an approved parasiticidal agent for organic livestock production. The rule will be implemented on 28 January, 2019, but the revision of the substances Ivermectin, Perfume, Cellulose and Glycerin will be implemented on 27 December 2019.
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