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Republic of Korea - Revised version of the Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances


Republic of Korea - Revised version of the Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances

Ministry of Environment has issued notification revising Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances as follows;

  • Phase-in substances placing on the market more than one ton per year should be registered within certain period. Business operators obliged to register the substances should notify the government beforehand of the name of chemical substance, and the estimated quantity to be manufactured or imported, etc.
  • As of now, products containing hazardous chemical substance should be notified. The revised Act states that products containing substance of risk concerns like carcinogenic or mutagenic properties should be notified when the substance is contained more than 0.1% in product.
  • Substance subject to authorization should not be manufactured, imported, used or sold unless its use is authorized, but except the uses that are exempted from the use authorization.
  • Penalty provisions are newly made for persons who manufacture, import, use or sell restricted substance for prohibited use.
  • Sellers of hazardous chemical substance should provide hazard information to the person who purchases the hazardous substance regardless of its registration or content in product.

Proposed date of adoption: 30 June 2017

Proposed date of entry into force: 30 June 2018

Final date for comments: 60 days from notification

If the Proposal/Notification/Regulation will affect your International Business please send us your representation with facts and figures , so that these can be taken up suitably.


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