Waiving off the requirement of destruction certificate from excise/custom authorities for the unutilised duty free imported material in case of imports from unregistered sources with pre-import conditions –Public Notice No. 11/2015-20 dated 14 June 2019 (Click here).
Clarification on applicability of additional customs duty on goods re-imported under Customs Notification No. 94/96- dated 16.12.1996 exported earlier for exhibition purpose/ consignment basis published - Circular No. 17/2019 dated 19 June 2019 (Click here).
Notification No. 50/2017-Customs dated 30.06.2017 amended to implement the imposition of retaliatory duties on 28 specified goods originating in or exported from USA and preserving the existing MFN rate for all these goods for all countries other than USA – Notification No. 17/2019-Cus, dated 15 June 2019 (Click here).
Tariff rate of customs duty on lentils, boric acid and laboratory reagents increased by amending First schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 under emergency powers under section 8A of the Customs Tariff Act – Notification No. 16/2019-Cus, dated 15 June 2019 (Click here).
Import Condition and national standards for solar products - amendment under Import Policy Order, 2016 of Pakistan – Ministry of Commerce and Textile S.R.O 604 dated 17 June 2019 (Click here).
Establishes an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for residues of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subspecies plantarum strain FZB42 in or on all food commodities when used in accordance with label directions and good agricultural practices - Rule No. 2019-12748 18 June 2019 (Click here).