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Mexico proposed Distribution warehouses and warehouses for the sale of liquefied petroleum gas, through portable containers and transportable containers subject to pressure


Mexico proposed Distribution warehouses and warehouses for the sale of liquefied petroleum gas, through portable containers and transportable containers subject to pressure

Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. National Agency of Industrial Safety and Protection of the Environment of the Hydrocarbons Sector. ASEA. Security, Energy and Environment Agency proposed Mexican Standard is applicable to the entire national territory and is mandatory for all Regulated that carry out the stages of design, construction, operation and maintenance, closure and decommissioning of Warehouses of Distribution and Expendio Warehouses of Liquefied Petroleum Gas, through Portable Containers and Transportable Containers subject to pressure.

The specifications and environmental protection provisions established in this Draft Official Mexican Standard, are not applicable to those projects of Distribution Warehouses and Liquefied Petroleum Gas Expenditures that intend to be located in protected natural areas or with forest vegetation, jungles , vegetation of arid zones, coastal or wetland ecosystems, areas where there are forests, deserts, river systems, lagoons and in areas considered as refuge and reproduction zones of migratory species, in areas that are the habitat of species subject to special protection , threatened, endangered or probably extinct in the wild in accordance with Official Mexican Standard NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 or that which modifies or replaces it.

Products covered: Portable containers and transportable containers subject to pressure and related to the security of warehouses

HS code: 7311

Proposed date of adoption: NA

Proposed date of entry into force: NA

Final date for comments: 26-03-2019

If the Proposal/Notification/Regulation will affect your International Business please send us your representation with facts and figures , so that these can be taken up suitably.


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